Archive for January 2019

The Any Man in America album came along when my anger was at its Wander woman camping compass version shirt. I’ve since been in therapy to deal with my anger issues and often turn to Justin’s music as a release for my tension. His voice is haunting and intense and just what I need to hear when I am struggling. Every day is a new opportunity to love and I thank you for continuing to share your reminders that we are not alone! Your strength and determination are inspiring to me. Thank you for working on you so you can create a home for your children with love and positivity. That says a lot about you. Those of us who have changed, we forget how far we have come. Homemade me ugly cry happy tears.
Wander woman camping compass version V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Wander woman camping compass version shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Wander woman camping compass version shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I had to order your book today. I love everything you write but this Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt. Thank you so much for supporting my work in a way that is very helpful to me & my family. I always listen to it when I feel like my thoughts are betraying me. A good reminder that sometimes our thoughts about ourselves are inaccurate. I can assure you, you are beautiful! Your inner beauty shines on all of us who read your posts. I knew you were beautiful before I ever saw your face! My grandma always told me I was photogenic. I have a handful of pictures throughout my life that I like about myself. But it came up again recently as my aunt used that word again referencing a recent photo with my mother before she passed.
Penguin Happy Patricks day V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Penguin Happy Patricks day shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I can surely relate. I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian but here I am shirt told me the other day how beautiful I looked. It was so hard to take that in. Once again, it’s like it’s been written for me! It is something that I struggle with and I know a lot of people do too. Thank you for sharing. I live in South Africa, is there any chance of your boom reaching our shores? I think you’re so beautiful with your flowing hair that you’ve passed on to your daughters! But I soon learned he was not fine.
I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I never dreamed that one day Id become a grumpy old Librarian shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Whatever your situation, I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt. God bless each of you. Be safe and take care. Love others and offer compassion. Get tough. Stand up and keep fighting. Blue October is amazing. The open book tour is the best thing I’ve ever experienced. Thanks for spreading the blue love! The world would be a different place if everyone looked inward so bravely and made a commitment toward positive change. I admire you! As another wise, compassionate sister said ‘you cannot open a closed shell with the sledgehammer! So yes people can change, I can change, only when we’re ready. I’m convinced we need only work on ourselves and understand our journeys happen differently.
I'm a bitch I'm a lover I'm a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a crazy ass mother seriously ask my kids shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

You keep me going when I think I cant My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks shirt! My soft body is the perfect resting place for a cranky, teething baby. I am in all my glory with her cradled in my lap. Thank you for being here to read them. It means more than you will ever know. I thought of you when I posted it. Let us both focus on our purpose today & let it fuel us forward. Holding your hand from afar. The same week my little Noticer of Life child was hurt by the harsh words of a trusted friend, she spent quality time with a new buddy. As my child pulled her favorite pajamas from her dresser drawer later that night, she got the biggest smile on her face.
My dog thinks I'm perfect who cares what anyone else thinks V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My dog thinks I’m perfect who cares what anyone else thinks shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

After exchanging wide smiles with Pikachu Pika warm Pika charging up anew happy Pika Pika Pika I choose you shirt. This was not an accidental motion, nor was it a casual brush of the hand. This was purposeful, a loving connection made in a deliberate fashion. How do I know? This golden-haired child did not remove her hand for some time. She rested it upon the robust arm of her grandfather as they listened to the other musicians. I could not tear my eyes away. This tiny hand upon her grandfather’s black coat was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. In one simple gesture, a profound statement was made. There is no distraction in the world stronger than human connection.
Pikachu Pika warm Pika charging up anew happy Pika Pika Pika V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Pikachu Pika warm Pika charging up anew happy Pika Pika Pika shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Pikachu Pika warm Pika charging up anew happy Pika Pika Pika shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My friend went on to describe Timothy not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% shirt and poor self-image issues. I tilted the rearview mirror down one more time. Maybe I should reconsider it too. I liked how my cheeks were flushed a peachy rose and how my hair curled around my face from the heat and humidity. I noticed the faintest sparkle in my eyes. Beautiful? That certainly wasn’t a word I used to describe myself every day.  It was then that I saw the reflection of two hopeful blue eyes staring back at me, and I thought, isn’t 39 years long enough? At the time, it was for me, but now it is for you. It is for anyone who yearns to silence the negative inner dialogue that keeps you from loving this day, this you.
Timothy not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Timothy not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Timothy not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

It made me feel so teeny tiny and so incredibly loved Queens are born in February shirt, to know that God uses even me. Oh, that we could all just be the hands and feet of Jesus every day! He gets hurt sometimes by things a trusted friend might say or do and I hurt too. But we live in a small town. So I will continue to pray. I love this, the thought that you can scatter petals of joy to other people. This made me smile! I smiled this Morning while getting out of Bed. That’s the first time, in a long time that I smiled while getting out of bed. I have Chronic pain, so getting out of Bed isn’t usually something that I smile when I do it! So beautiful!
Queens are born in February V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Queens are born in February shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Queens are born in February shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

How often we feel like Bigfoot UFO abduction shirt we need to make changes and do better when all we really need to do is return to what we already know return to love. You already possess what you need to create a fulfilling and memorable life for yourself and the ones by your side: Love. It’s in your voice when you cheer from the stands. It’s in your fingertips when you smooth away stray hairs. Because you are love, and love holds the greatest of possibilities. Let’s remember together as we set our sights on the highest beams of today. Every single thing you write touches my heart and this one also brought the tears. My driver was telling me a little about his life situation and once his voice cracked, the tears began to fall.
Bigfoot UFO abduction V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Bigfoot UFO abduction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Bigfoot UFO abduction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Perhaps as time has passed, you’ve discovered that to Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff vintage shirt itself so you’ve chosen to own it. To speak out, even when your voice shakes. To tell the truth, even when it’s not pretty. I unexpectedly got choked up a couple times during my talk. My inner critic nearly got the best of me, telling me that was unprofessional. I instead chose to focus on those looking back at me with understanding, relief, and similarly tear-stained cheeks. Afterward, I received the most wonderful feedback, all mentioning the realness, the authenticity, and the tears. To me, this confirmed my belief that our messiest story, whether whispered to one or shared with thousands, could be the message someone else needs right now.
Get in loser we're doing butt stuff vintage V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Get in loser we’re doing butt stuff vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Come with what you want to hide. You’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever very special very skilled that I can tell you just terrific shirt to you has insecurities too. Together you can bring those hurts into the light of day where they can no longer hold you back. I wrote this poem for four very special young people when I presented them with come as you are metal cuffs before school started a few weeks ago. Although I had young people in mind when I wrote it, this invitation has no age limit. I often wonder what might happen if we were to start looking for those in fragile periods of uncertainty.
Donald Trump you're the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Donald Trump you’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Donald Trump you’re the best PT in the history of PTs maybe ever shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I hope I can smile. And say I had a Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt. Life is easier when we’re on the same page, you and I. Love flows more freely. Understanding happens more quickly. Tempers stay in check, and progress is made  When we’re on the same page. I’m still learning, listening, and observing, but I’ve noticed there are ways to be on the same page with you: If I wait to discuss issues when we’re not both upset, tired, or in a rush, I’ve noticed that taking a three-second pause before I respond can prevent a page of our story being ripped up, torn out, and tossed away. I know at times we’ve had missing pages times when I’ve overreacted, been too quick to judge, closed my mind, slammed the door, and walked away.
Camp I'm retired every hour is happy hour V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Camp I’m retired every hour is happy hour shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I have recently started following this page, and it has I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt, but rather than only love today I am thinking of choosing love today. Like this post, I want to focus on choosing positive things, and as a very self-critical perfectionist, I find that ‘only love today’ leaves no room for imperfection. I know I will have my bad days, and that that’s ok. But by moving the focus to ‘choose’ it reminds me that every time I am facing difficulties, I can make a choice to move past those difficulties into a more positive place. To love others I must first love myself and not expect the impossible, just as I need to not expect the impossible from my children and husband.
I'm a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m a simple woman I like Harry Potter Mickey Mouse and Got shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Will share with my mom! Just moved Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt a lovely little cottage in a retirement community – she needs to hear your sweet words! Get off the scale. It cannot measure the depths of your heart. Put down the measuring stick. It is not long enough to assess your worth. Ignore the score. It does not show your true potential. Don’t get hung up on the salary. It doesn’t even come close to showing your value. Ban the mirror. It cannot reflect how much you are loved. Ignore the critic. It has no idea how far you’ve come. Instead, look for evidence of a day well lived: I made someone smile. I gave a tender kiss.
Penguin I didn't fart my butt blew you a kiss V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Penguin I didn’t fart my butt blew you a kiss shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

It’s hard to pinpoint the moment Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt. But I am certain of one thing, we anticipated it we talked about it we looked with expectancy for the moment she’d say. This feels like home. And there was great power in that daily practice of expectancy and hope. And this is why: In the act of looking for the moment, it becomes a real possibility rather than a far-fetched dream. When you have more and more time together. But he and I are willing to learn and grow. I will be sharing this with him and I know it will help us keep growing. In the act of looking for the moment, it has less chance of passing you by.
Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Cuban Pete Jim Carrey chicky chicky boom vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Oh, sister, there is a special place To my Fiancee turn back the clock I may not be your first date your first kiss or your first love I love you shirt! Grace has loved on and fostered many litters of baby kittens, but we have never kept one of them. His love, compassion, and faith in me continue to heal and bring all those places that have been in the dark out into the light. I need to stop reading your posts at work, I can’t keep attending meetings with tear tracks through my make up! This is beautiful and extends far beyond animal rescue. May we serve as spokespersons for each other along this journey.
Skellington and Sally to my Fiancee turn back the clock V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Skellington and Sally to my Fiancee turn back the clock shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Skellington and Sally to my Fiancee turn back the clock shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This was from God to my heart You love me and you’ve seen me and you know me I’m Old Gregg vintage shirt a move from upstate NY to Grand Cayman. I left my two grown daughters behind and My younger children are in that place of pain and unfamiliarity. I’m looking for those moments of feeling like home to come. My hope & prayer for you today is that you see a blessing among the challenge a flower among the weeds hopes in the face of despair. My friends live there move on together, while each new day here is a struggle to put one foot in front of the other at times. This is not our first time at the relocation rodeo. And generally, I do a good job of making it work because I feel like I have to for our kids.
You've seen me and you know me I'm Old Gregg vintage V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: You’ve seen me and you know me I’m Old Gregg vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

You’ve seen me and you know me I’m Old Gregg vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Not the shiny, perfectly worded, Rick and Morty give me the weed boys and free my soul I wanna get lost in a sticky bowl and drift away shirt. Let me be the messy, genuine, put in the effort, feel it in your bones, come as you are, kind of love. You always get to the heart of the matter softly and gently! Thank you for your beautiful words. They inspire me! What kind of love do you want to be today? When we share our heart’s hope, we get one step closer to bringing it to life. Thank you for making my words come to life. It’s the greatest gift an author can receive. My daughter made a new friend last spring. When the child’s mother came to pick her up, she hugged me and thanked me for a particular line in my book.
Rick and Morty give me the weed boys and free my soul V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Rick and Morty give me the weed boys and free my soul shirt

Rick and Morty give me the weed boys and free my soul shirt

I watched my children as they alternated Elephant hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt. My older daughter was so impressed, she reached into her little purse to tip him with her hard-earned money. As people hurried past, we stood still. For once, I didn’t feel the need to move along, catch up, or get going. For once, I felt certain this was exactly where I was supposed to be. Suddenly a woman approached us. I couldn’t help but notice these two little girls. She smiled at my daughters who couldn’t tear their eyes away from the most original live entertainment they had seen in their life. I just love how they are appreciating the musician and clearly enjoying themselves.
Elephant hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Elephant hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Elephant hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

There were some things I wanted to Toothless I love you to the moon and back shirt that didn’t get accomplished, but I was building my life around what mattered most. This made for a soft place to lay my head last night and a positive place to begin a new week. How easily I managed to get off course. This morning, impatience got the best of me and what was most important a loving goodbye got sabotaged. So when my child gets home, there will be an apology and a heart-to-heart about what we can do differently tomorrow. Because grace, growth, and learning from our mistakes are important too. Even the not-so-good choices we make are a chance to build our lives around what matters most. Friends, tell me your answers.
Toothless I love you to the moon and back V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Toothless I love you to the moon and back shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Toothless I love you to the moon and back shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Thank you as always dearest Rachel for Official Grandma bear shirt. You are on my mind everytime I lay down my phone to listen to my children. I want them to always know that theirs is the voice I will always listen to first! Just reread this, just to clarify. I am not always on my phone and my children are adults now. Oh, that brought tears to my eyes. Love does make good things happen! Thank you so much for sharing your stories, you brought joy to my morning! Last night, I thought of you. The one unable to sleep because worry pulses through your veins like caffeine; yet here you are, facing another day. I had a tough morning with my daughter. You know the one where she’s so mad at you that she can barely say goodbye before school?
Official Grandma bear V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Official Grandma bear shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-nneck t-shirt

Official Grandma bear shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-nneck t-shirt

The atmosphere instantly brightened when Made in 79 40 years of awesomeness shirt; Gloria lived up to her name. She met my friends from high school and baby playgroup days and author projects. Gloria felt like a long-lost friend. She steadied my nerves with her love and support. Over the past week, I’ve seen Gloria and my friends cheering each other on. In them, she has a tribe. I wonder how these new connections will impact her life and how she will impact ours. My friends, let us remember the power of speaking up. Whether it’s: I am here in this place without a ticket. Or it’s: I am in this place without any hope. Whether it’s: My loved one is making really poor choices, and I don’t know what to do. Tell someone where you are, what place you’re in right now.
Made in 79 40 years of awesomeness V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Made in 79 40 years of awesomeness shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Made in 79 40 years of awesomeness shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

The perfect post you are such an inspiration to Batman Shikaka shirt, you have been that beautiful glimmer of light many times for me and my family. Why does this surrender of perfection seem impossible? It took me little tiny steps toward the light of authenticity & took almost a decade to get here, but life is so much more enjoyable this way. Blessings to you and thank you once again for an amazing morning read. I am teary at the majestic sight around me. To be invited to come as I am to deliver a message to 500 women in need of some breathing room and hope to hold onto in a pressure-filled world.
Batman Shikaka V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Batman Shikaka shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Batman Shikaka shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I was the one who worried, My kid accuse me of having a favorite child which is ridiculous because my grandkids are my favorite shirt, who wondered is this my life, who cried. And I was the one who showed up today despite the despair, who looked for the glimmer of hope and caught it in my daughter’s kind and understanding words. And I will do it again tomorrow praying the despair will be less and the hope will be more. Your words seem to always reach me when I need them the most. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Last night I wished someone was thinking of me. Thanks for taking me under your angel wing. There is truly no greater gift to my writer’s heart than when someone wants to give them to someone else. Thank you for sharing.
My kid accuse me of having a favorite child which is ridiculous V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: My kid accuse me of having a favorite child which is ridiculous shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My kid accuse me of having a favorite child which is ridiculous shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I never wanted to stand in front of the Labyrinth don’t ask us we’re just the knockers shirt. I never wanted to stand in a pile of discarded outfits tossed to the floor, taking shreds of my dignity with them. And if you know someone in this area, would you help me by spreading the word? Just think what might happen if we were to stop looking at the things we are not and start looking at all the things we are. I could sense her excitement as she waved goodbye and happily called out, Today’s the day! Thank you for sharing. There is great comfort and power when we share our experiences and reflections. Yours will undoubtedly bring peace to someone today.
Labyrinth don't ask us we're just the knockers V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Labyrinth don’t ask us we’re just the knockers shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Labyrinth don’t ask us we’re just the knockers shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Printing this out so it’s always there for me to follow! You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Buckeyes Ohio State I kill you shirt today so much more now! I know I need to be positive with her but it’s so hard when she pushes my buttons, especially with her 15 month old brother to look after as well! I’m sure if I was videotaped I’d be appalled at my barking. I need to print this up and remind myself. Need to work on productive conversations not ones where they tune me out! One is medically fragile with multiple diagnoses so we spend more time with doctors and therapists than going to the park.
You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Buckeyes Ohio State V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Buckeyes Ohio State shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

You laugh I laugh you cry I cry you offend my Buckeyes Ohio State shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Talk through problems when tensions aren’t high If your life is anything like Nurse Beauty and the Beast shirt, problems are often uncovered when you are about to head out the door or short on time. Although it is tempting to hash it out right then and there, there is a great benefit in delaying the discussion until later when tempers have cooled. I’ve discovered that early morning and directly afterschool are not good times to talk to my child about tough topics or areas in need of improvement. But in the evening, right after swim team practice, she is open and talkative. Car time and bedtime offer an environment much more conducive for peaceful and open dialogue than morning rush.
Nurse Beauty and the Beast V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Nurse Beauty and the Beast shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Nurse Beauty and the Beast shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

So we must keep loving even if we feel like keeping it My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy but I’m not the one who Married me shirt about to run dry even if love is not our first response. Love is not ours to keep; love is ours to give away and when we do, we make good things possible. Keep loving away, dear ones. It might just find its way back to you when you least expect it but need it the most.  My friends, if you have been following my family’s cat shelter adventures, there is more good news to report. The very sick mother cat of these six kittens recently recovered and was up for adoption. On Saturday, she found her forever home! I had the privilege of meeting the wonderful woman who adopted Sheryl who is now lovingly called Misha.
My trucker husband thinks I'm freaking crazy V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My trucker husband thinks I’m freaking crazy shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This is powerful. My girls see the worst of My Mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your hands shirt, but their hearts forgive me, & for that I am blessed. We each day of regret, I pray that I can somehow be a better mom & make beautiful memories. Thank you for posting this! Parenting is the hardest job! He loves to do things for me little acts. Sometimes he’ll bring me a glass of ice water. He likes to pour cream and sugar into my coffee and stir and sip for me. One night while my husband and I were watching a movie, he went into the kitchen and spent half an hour cutting celery and carrots with a butter knife to make us a healthy snack. When I’m sad, he makes me cards and drawings, hugs me and tells me how much he loves me. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
My Mama said you can't hold me until you wash your hands V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: My Mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your hands shirt

My Mama said you can’t hold me until you wash your hands shirt

A constant struggle But one so worthy of Donal Trump Hichway to DC the 2020 tour shirt! Slow down, listen, and appreciate now because tomorrow may be too late. Some moments only happen once. Enjoy! Thanks again for a timely post that speaks to my heart! This summer my daughters and I fostered six kittens born to a parasite-infected mother. One of the weakest kittens, Lacie, was also very sick and did not join the liter until two weeks into our fostering duties. Once Lacie arrived, my younger daughter spent endless hours holding this fragile kitten in her lap. Oddly enough, the kitten would look directly into my daughter’s eyes during these cuddling sessions. When a prospective adopter came to our house one day to select a kitten, Lacie immediately crawled into the woman’s lap and looked right into her eyes. For the next four weeks, my daughter continued to love this kitten even though she knew she’d eventually have to give her away.
Donal Trump Hichway to DC the 2020 tour V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Donal Trump Hichway to DC the 2020 tour shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Donal Trump Hichway to DC the 2020 tour shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

You, my friend, are a warrior! I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt have come in a moment you made a decision of what you felt you needed and you have the right to do that! You helped me break my coke zero habits a few months back. I was doing so well, then this week I’ve fallen off the wagon, as it were. This time around though I am really seeing and feeling how negatively it is impacting my skin breaking out, tummy bloating, mood swings from all the sugar. When it was time to go back into their cages, they were more docile than usual. I think it was because they’d gotten what they needed to make it through another night in a less-than-desirable situation.
I can't be trusted at Hobby Lobby V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I can’t be trusted at Hobby Lobby shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I am more than one opinion this We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama because you are racist shirt, this boundary of someone else’s opinion affecting me personally – those negative ones! Those judging ones! Those critical ones! Those that have said you don’t fit in here or belong here! Those who have said you’re not good enough! Even those silent negative opinions! I love, love, love this message today!  It never ceases to amaze me how your posts show up at just the right time! Thank you for having the words to speak what my tired heart longs for. Was working on the talk for the event and had not planned to post that so glad I listened to my heart’s nudging because it connected me with you. We are going to have the most wonderful time at this event, Lisa.
We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama shirt, hoodie

We hate Trump because he is racist you hate Obama shirt, hoodie

I remember the day I decided: It was time to Let’s talk about the elephant in the womb shirt. For my children. And for today, precious today, because that is all we really have for sure. Thank you for coming to share with us last night! I started reading the ebook download in the pre-dawn minutes before everyone else woke up and made an effort to compliment both kids before I ran to catch my commuter train Put down the measuring stick. It is not long enough to assess your worth. Ignore the score. It does not show your true potential. It doesn’t even come close to showing your value. Ban the mirror. It cannot reflect how much you are loved. Ignore the critic. Thank you for sharing this hope. We can grasp this and use it to fuel us forward.
Let's talk about the elephant in the womb V-neck T- shirt

Buy this shirt: Let’s talk about the elephant in the womb shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Let’s talk about the elephant in the womb shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

It’s to me that everything you have written in Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature shirt! Thank you for sharing your beautiful words, they have brought so much peace to my soul. Just beautiful, such wonderful heartfelt words! After some time had passed, weeks or months, I found myself alone with her. Over the past few days, I’ve received message after message from people longing to be seen. Perhaps now you know someone else feels uncomfortable, you’ll see someone else holding his or her own hand too. You are not alone! Many people have asked me to write this, and I am definitely considering this as an option. I care about you.
Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Johnson 48 Jimmie Johnson signature shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I just wanted you to know that I love Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion shirt. Don’t let the critics ever make you feel small. Know that you are amazing and a blessing to many. Thank you for your kind heart. In a totally non-creepy way, I want to be your friend! I love your truth and focus on what’s real in life. Thank you for sharing this with us all. This framed print hangs in my messy bathroom and helps me start and end each day with the right perspective! I have it as one of my main FB profile pictures, for a reason so others see it, as well as me! I fully intend for it to be printed, framed and hung in our new house soon! I’m excited about this course and am going to try to enroll tonight.
Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion shirt, hoodie

Bigfoot undefeated hide and seek champion shirt, hoodie

As a former special education Love someone with autism shirt, I always appreciated the children who would take a moment to talk to, encourage, or include my students. I would pull those kind children aside later and tell them how that one nice thing they said or did make a difference. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my student smile like that, I would say. Or I’m certain she’s going to remember your kindness forever. And the children would look surprised and pleased and then go on giving more kindness like it was their job. Now that I have children of my own, I encourage them to be the person who thinks of one nice thing. I don’t think there is a more important person to be.
Love someone with autism V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Love someone with autism shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Love someone with autism shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I think that my sons can be those people a Poe hello Darkness my old friend shirt, I took them out for pizza and there was a mom at the pizza place setting up a long table with decorations, balloons, and a cake. My guys looked at all of the things, asked her a few questions about her son, and then my seven-year-old tells her he’s going to love this, good job!. I just about melted. Just had to do this with someone who lashed out at me for no reason. Had to step back, take a breath and remember not to take it personally. I love this. It amazes me how people respond when someone finally comes along and is nice to them sometimes. I’m teaching my son this.
Poe hello Darkness my old friend V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Poe hello Darkness my old friend shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Poe hello Darkness my old friend shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I recently took this photo at the Drop Dead we’re grown ups now so piss off vintage shirt, and I find myself looking at this photo often. It captures her joy and makes me feel joy. Do you have a photo of that person or people you’d take the fall for? I’d love to see your joy today. When in doubt, come here and look at this thread. My heart feels hope when I look at how much you love your people. I love this community so much. Embarking on a hike in Devon. Took 3 hours and the guide said he’d never known such a young to complete it. Loved their tenacity although they made me promise no more walks the rest of the holiday. My children and my husband are my worlds. This is my favorite recent photo of me and my girls.
Drop Dead we're grown ups now so piss off vintage V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: Drop Dead we’re grown ups now so piss off vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater

Drop Dead we’re grown ups now so piss off vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater

On days like today, when pain around me is I support women and cis women shirt on the screen break my heart, I find it easy to lose hope. This morning, when tears began to cloud my eyes, I closed them and replaced the devastating scene in my mind with one of hope. It’s a mighty powerful thing to be held when you’re barely holding it together. It’s a mighty powerful thing to be looked after when you assumed people will only look out for themselves. The concept of stranger solidarity is so critical to our survival on this planet. How we treat each other is so telling of the health of humankind.
I support women and cis women V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I support women and cis women shirt, hoodie, sweater

I support women and cis women shirt, hoodie, sweater

Was wonderful to read this – thank you. I know the I just really like sloths ok shirt, and sadly here in S.A. at the moment things are really bad. A small phrase with massive implications. I hope this becomes a commonplace turn of phrase for people. Thank you for hope from afar. I had encounters with three strangers this morning. I think we could be very good friends. All were so open and friendly. One shared the pain of losing babies and is still childless. I will use it, I will spread it among the people I connect with and I will share this for others to implement and adapt.
I just really like sloths ok V-neck T-shirt

Buy this shirt: I just really like sloths ok shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I just really like sloths ok shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

She described how it felt to sit there as Just a woman who loves skull and has tattoos shirt. I held her, remaining silent, resisting the inclination to jump in there and cheer her up to complain about the selection process or remind her that awards do not make her worthy. A cat’s meow stirred me from my reverie, and I quickly came back to the present moment. Standing outside the door was a young man who loved cats, and I had the keys. As my child and I laid there in silence, my hand in hers, I distinctly remember watching other kids win the awards and accolades I thought I had a chance to earn. One middle school year was especially soul-crushing. But how I felt about not getting that award may not necessarily be how my child feels.
Just a woman who loves skull and has tattoos Hoodie

Just a woman who loves skull and has tattoos shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Isn’t this what life is all about? Isn’t this what really matters? Reminding the weak Stitch Dutch Bros coffee shirt the fallen there is a help to stand to remind the brokenhearted they are loved reminding the lost which way to go. Isn’t this what matters? I love this post. I don’t struggle to navigate and go places, but I was reminded that I need to be patient with folks who do – like my husband. That fear is real. Then it made me think about in what situations I feel exactly like you detailed. For me, it is in social situations, gathers, parties. I am thankful for the grace that is shown to me in those instances because I am terrified and put off by small talk.
Stitch Dutch Bros coffee V-neck T-shirt

Stitch Dutch Bros coffee shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This is such an important expansion of my Pokemon Charmander voices told me to burn things shirt. Thank you for sharing this additional insight! Incredibly helpful. I think sometimes it gets overwhelming, the feeling of being a broken parent, and there is so much pressure to not pass your brokenness on to your children. Your words here are so helpful, and they are a guiding light to me, for which I am so grateful. It helps to know I’m not the only one struggling or dealing with these issues. I have infinite gratitude for your courage, honesty, and open-heartedness Rachel. I think there are so many of us trying to climb this mountain which is parenthood and you give us hope that we can make it. Many blessings to you. I cry with gratitude over these most beautiful words you have written that are the balm to my soul.
Pokemon Charmander voices told me to burn things V-neck T-shirt

Pokemon Charmander voices told me to burn things shirt

I know you will never see this post, but I needed to Stop making drama you’re not Shakespeare shirt. I love you so much! You have been my daughter, friend and anchor during ruff times. Yes, I can be an a-hole, but it has been only to help you become the greatest mother/person I have had the honor to know. This was so beautifully expressed and really touched me. I love watching my children grow, but it is also sad for me because I love my babies so much. This outlook is so helpful! Beautifully written. Every word resonated. I’m glad to read someone else understands watching your child walk away when you drop them off- it’s a mama thing.
Stop making drama you're not Shakespeare V-neck T-shirt

Stop making drama you’re not Shakespeare shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I will never tire of seeing my Stitch touch me and I will Bite you shirt, of my little guy’s enthusiastic hugs or my older one’s curious questions. I will never grow weary of cheering them on in everything that they do, watching in wonder as they work towards their dreams. When they were small I never tired of kissing the warm cheek that rested on their pillow. Sweet times to be treasured! Now I watch them kiss their own children and listen to them marvel at the love they feel! It really does fix you and it is boundless and eternal! My love for this child will endure harsh elements, discord, distance, and time. This I know for sure. Perhaps it is one of the few things on earth that is eternal.
Stitch touch me and I will Bite you V-neck T-shirt

Stitch touch me and I will Bite you shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Michigan do more say less shirt new gear has us ready to do our talking on the court and Matthews with another blown lay up. Refs are calling the weirdest ticky tacky fouls, so hard to watch anymore with the stop and go. I love the motto do more say less but the design of the shirt is garbage. Just my 2 cents. All about the money huh? How much you lose from that game Sam Larson never count michigan out hail to the victors. He won’t comment now that his big mouth got shut! If Michigan do more say less shirt keeps failing to make 3s, they will lose. I hate how inconsistent the offense is.
Michigan Say Less Guys Shirt

Michigan do more say less shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

To the point that they often make me jump. I drink Busch Light like fat kids eat cake shirt all the way up on daily life and that in itself is stressful. Pain is another thing; I don’t remember what it feels like not to be sore. It’s as if my body is suddenly ill-equipped for life. All strength has been zapped from my muscles and I’m physically incapable of building it back up. Often I struggle to get myself dressed because the excruciating pain in my hips means I can’t lift my leg high enough to put my trousers on. It’s not exactly Olympic gymnastics I’m trying to do here, I just want to put my underwear on. Not too much to ask right? My skin sometimes stings so physical touch is uncomfortable.
I drink Busch Light like fat kids eat cake Hoodie

I drink Busch Light like fat kids eat cake shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

If ya like women and Straight Outta Pochinki Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Pubg shirt guns check this lass oot Jake Latimer. Love this chick. But but an sbr with a huge zoom scope. You’re hot asf, kudos to the guy who gets to lay with you and wake up to your presence, my god!  You got the looks to kill sister and the skills and beauty to go along with it Damn! Someone need to sign her up in movies ! She so bad ass I could watch her in action all day lol.
Straight Outta Pochinki Playerunknowns Battlegrounds Pubg Longsleeve Tee

Straight Outta Pochinki Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Pubg shirt

Catch me posted at the Lyrical lemonade shirt cypher with squad and in a vic mensa traffic tour shirt. I don’t have a instagram, but this was just sent to me this morning notice the shirt. If you don’t know what it is, it’s lyrical lemonade! Look it up! Is about to be a international superstar. Here is the back of the t-shirt from last year with all of our sponsors! 3 other businesses came on late  Wash House, Casey’s, and Castle Bank!
Lyrical Lemonade Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater And V Neck T Shirt

Lyrical lemonade shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Through his caring, and by being able to step outside himself, Nick not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% overthinks everything born leaders human lie detector shirt but helped that other person as well. I believe we would live in a better world if more people took the time to connect with others who are hurting, and by doing so helped fill their hole with love and caring. I remember exactly where I stood when I was given information that carried me through my darkest days. It was the day of my high school graduation party. Beating myself up over past mistakes only deprives me of knowing her today. And today it is my mission to know her more.
Nick not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% Hoodie

Nick not one to mess with prideful loyal to a fault will keep it real 100% shirt


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