Archive for November 2018

I have just started reading your book. I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt and vulnerability. I find comfort that I am not alone in some of life’s moments! Bless you! Gosh, I wish I knew if they were available in South Africa. I know that several of them have gone international. You may just have to go to your favorite retailer and ask. I am sorry I can’t be of more help. I’ve been reading about your journey for a while now and you’ve come such a long way! You show such vulnerability yet so much strength! I started reading only love today to my kids every night. It’s our bonding time.
I'm that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This is what being a human being is all about. I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt in ways she couldn’t even imagine was possible. My hope is that you planted a seed for the woman who felt the need to report her to the police. May your heart and kindness shone a light that will help her shift her ways! I love love love that you give concrete examples because that’s how I learn best. Thank you so much for sharing this, for helping the woman on the bench, and for being the person you are. On point Rachel, as always. I always wish I had more to offer other than just my heart and ears.
I work to support my wife's Disney addiction Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Thank you so much for Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people and I’m not afraid to use her shirt. Your stories are profoundly moving and inspiring. You are a beautiful person. Thank you for inspiring me to open my eyes and love. There were a lot of homeless people around which opened a lot of conversations with our four children. On our last night, we had a blanket, a Metro card, and some food that we were not going to eat before we left so when my youngest daughter and I went to collect dinner on our last night, we walked through the streets and subway stations looking for a homeless person to give it to.
Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My child didn’t bother to explain I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt that was sitting on the bottom step. There really was no point. My beautiful child with humongous brown eyes that once held so much optimism looked defeated. Silent tears of a broken spirit slid down her face. My daughter knew it didn’t matter what she said, she’d still be wrong; it would still be her fault. I found my child crumpled up like a dejected rag doll on top of her bed her face puffy and red from crying. My daughter looked unsure as to what to do with this confession, this unusual offering from her mother who rarely admitted any wrongdoing. I didn’t blame her for the skeptical look she gave me.
I'm a boy I just have better hair than you Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I own one, and it’s been a game changer for Border Collie dog in a pocket shirt. Thank you so much for this reminder I know our hearts are more important than stuff but I’ve been left feeling otherwise in my life and now I realize how important it is to show my children what really matters. That is beautiful and made me tear up! It’s just so true. Lovely in-laws. So gracious in a perfect response. I love it so much. Internal happiness for both in this response. They also responded, as yours did, with kindness and compassion. We insisted on paying for the repair, which they refused.
Border Collie dog in a pocket Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Border Collie dog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Border Collie dog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Take this tip from Cleveland Browns I woke up feeling dangerous shirt. Buy a roll of hard plastic. Before you go to bed, cut two strips long enough to lay over your front and back windows, but make sure you cut it long enough to have enough plastic to place it inside the car secured by the doors. I’m glad to remove toxic people from my life. It also makes me sad that our education system already tells children in their first year of schooling that they are a failure and not good enough. I fear that faced with the same, I may not have responded with such grace at that moment. And right now, I have to be able to forgive myself for every overreaction to every mistake of my past.
Cleveland Browns I woke up feeling dangerous Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: Cleveland Browns I woke up feeling dangerous shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Cleveland Browns I woke up feeling dangerous shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Yet, every single time I learn something from Mountain camping I hate people shirt, I hurry to comments to make sure you know how important sharing these stories have become. People on this thread are bah humbugs. Seriously, it doesn’t hurt you if people like to decorate and it’s only for a few weeks. Get over yourselves.  I love this and would welcome a neighbor who would put on a display like this on my block. I know I am about to receive the gift of encouragement in the most eloquent words that only you can deliver. Absolutely fantastic and extremely well done. Would love to know how it was created.
Mountain camping I hate people Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: Mountain camping I hate people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Mountain camping I hate people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Just to clarify a Crusader see you in the holy land shirt. Last I checked a zoo is a collection of animals, not the housing of one single animal. I have a moment too regarding mistakes that have been significant in my life. Anyone else tired of seeing this girl pop up in the top corner of every damn video? I’d like to just watch my videos in peace please. I hope none of you people talking about caging an animal have a pet. Not saying I agree with zoos, or the conditions, or whatever. But don’t be mad about one aspect of people confining animals, and not all of them. Y’all need to get your story straight.
Crusader see you in the holy land Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Crusader see you in the holy land shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Crusader see you in the holy land shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Walking barefoot in the sand, letting the curling surf tickle Friends TV show animal are friends not food shirt. What is not to like and allow one to relax. Why take the drug for what Therapy could cure. When you out of control in your emotion. There is no health, without mental health. You guys came a lot when you were little. We had fun. Then you grew up and Mom came alone. I know someone who has the same symptoms, bet she on her way to the beach for her cure. I also suffer from that condition. Great for me that the cure is close at hand. Well, not in Winter. But on a nice day, there’s always a walk on the beach. And now your phone will be filled with ads trying to sell you something for your problems, and fill your mailbox with adds for the next six months!
Friends TV show animal are friends not food Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Friends TV show animal are friends not food shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Friends TV show animal are friends not food shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

They’re adorable but I wish people would Tupac Santa ain’t nothin’ but a Christmas party shirt, sweater, unnatural breed that could possibly have medical problems. When I backed my car out of the garage on Saturday morning, I forgot we had family in town visiting. I remembered the minute my car hit their van with a loud crunch. I began berating myself even before I rushed out of the car to see the damage. It was pretty bad. Hot tears of frustration and shame began to leak from my eyes. Since they were out on an errand with my husband, I called to tell them what I’d done.
Tupac Santa ain't nothin' but a Christmas party Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Tupac Santa ain’t nothin’ but a Christmas party shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Tupac Santa ain’t nothin’ but a Christmas party shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Thank you, friend, for always sharing And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt. You always make me feel like you’re speaking directly what’s on my heart at any given moment. Working slowly but surely on emotional healing and trying to do this with my family. I tend to retract and hide. Thank you for the reminder to keep my heart open and continue on the journey. This must have been filmed at 4 am on a Wednesday. Leavenworth is a beautiful town. Please do keep in mind though, there are people who do live there and be respectful to those people as well as the town and area itself! Christmas or not, this is an amazing little town. Summer months it is all done in a German or Austrian theme. Absolutely love it and hope to return one day.
And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul Hoodie

Buy this shirt: And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I still have the ugliest Christmas ornament you can Teach all day watch Hallmark Christmas movies all night shirt, sweater. It was an ornament swap. I treasure this ugly ornament. I have memories of laughter and fun! The way my family plays is we have multiple layers of boxes each wrapped in paper inside each box kind of like a Russian nest egg and each layer has a different prize but the one at the end is the biggest prize value-wise. So fun! There is another game like this. Those complaining about the gift need to just quiet down, the gift isn’t the point of the game or most games like this. The point of the game is spending time with family and having fun.
Teach all day watch Hallmark Christmas movies all night Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Teach all day watch Hallmark Christmas movies all night shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Teach all day watch Hallmark Christmas movies all night shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

I was experiencing culture shock on Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Walmart Christmas shirt. I felt that I was losing a sense of myself because everyone at Brown was so much smarter than me and much more aware of the complexity of our world. Thank you for the hope and encouragement in your beautiful words! I’m going to share this with her because sometimes we feel like we’re the only ones who feel this way and that there’s something wrong with us. Am working bathing what do you want me to do? I sighed dreamily if I was in a cartoon hearts would be floating all around me.
Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Walmart Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Walmart Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Walmart Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

It will help you get rid of the negative energies that you have been Nike Just do it floral shirt. Over the years these negative energies come back to you in the firm physical suffering, emotional distress, mental blockages and resentment towards the people who may cause this to you knowingly or unknowingly. It affects you no matter how much you pretend to not let it affect you. Come to the workshop and go through the negative energy cleansing process. You will be glad that you did as you’ll be left with a calmer you! Wouldn’t you like that? At the wellness workshop at this time it’s free of charge may not be so in the future so please take advantage of it.
Nike Just do it floral Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Nike Just do it floral shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Nike Just do it floral shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Thank you! The Lost Boys I still believe ugly Christmas sweater is having such a rough time making friends in her class this year. I would love to have another person reach out to her with kindness. I find my job ironic because after taking a news reporting class as a freshman in college I decided to change my major from journalism to English because I just knew I would never cut it as a journalist. It hurts my heart so to hear her asking why she doesn’t have any friends or isn’t as skinny as the other girls. I work in a hospital and I try to smile at people I see in the hallways and compliment someone’s top or whatever.
The Lost Boys I still believe ugly Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: The Lost Boys I still believe ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

The Lost Boys I still believe ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

I always look for a face of encouragement when Pig in a pocket shirt, and I feel so relieved when I find one. I’ve always been highly sensitive, and for decades I tried to tone my feelings down, reign them in, toughen them up. But over the past few years, my daughter Avery has altered my perception of being a deep feeler. Her acceptance has helped me see my sensitivity as a gift and part of who I am. When I am moved to tears at historical monuments, animal shelters, swim meets, and music recitals. When I am moved to tears by speeches of hope, stories of pain, well-written songs, acts of kindness, and beautiful sunsets
Pig in a pocket Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Pig in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Pig in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

About time the world caught up to Home Alone and Post Malone Mashup Christmas shirt, sweater. I can give you some more tips on how to do it when I’m back. That’s not a hack I’ve been doing this for years! I need some work but I feel like I’ve almost perfected this technique. Told you I can do the washing, my hack is now revealed. you’ll never need to give out to me about looking after my clothes again, I know the right way to do it now. I swear this is what you do with yours! No wonder half the time they need ironing. This made me laugh my socks off! Our cookery and laundry skills combined are something to be desired lol. I feel like you two will have something to say about this after last night.
Home Alone and Post Malone Mashup Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: Home Alone and Post Malone Mashup Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Home Alone and Post Malone Mashup Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

But popsicle sticks are Some of us Grew up listening to Backstreet boys the cool ones still do shirt? I’m not wasting those as decoration, those are going in my food. My daughter and I have done this when she was younger with found things. And now she is a crafty adult. Keep up the good work! I’m thinking about making one Christmas ornament a week until Christmas with the kids. What do you think? I saw this ad on my page and then I thought of Halloween. I will twist your decorations to the whims of my favourite Holiday and then I will be sure to place them where all may enjoy them! Please do not put peanuts on your Christmas tree. I can’t believe with all of the kids (including my nephew) who are severely life-threateningly allergic to peanuts, that this is a thing. Really? Cute!! But how did they get the beads on the candy cane secured?
Some of us Grew up listening to Backstreet boys the cool ones still do Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Some of us Grew up listening to Backstreet boys the cool ones still do shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Some of us Grew up listening to Backstreet boys the cool ones still do shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

That is totally unbelievable to Dachshund in a pocket shirt, it didn’t take the puppy long to get the hang of it, and he had every confidence in his master to help him on his way. That was absolutely fantastic to watch and I congratulate the owners for teaching the puppy that way. Totally enjoyed the extensive comments that were written. All day I practiced my talk for an upcoming speaking event. Every puppy deserves such a caring human and every pup should be fortunate to be so loved by patient, thoughtful, understanding people. I love this! What a good doggy dad. I also love the way when the puppy scared he leans up against his daddy. You know he already trust him.
Dachshund in a pocket Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Dachshund in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Dachshund in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

That life vest is too big for LGBT Dyke the halls fe le le le le Le Lesbians ugly Christmas sweater. If he were really in danger it could slip right over his head. I don’t know why people use life vest that are too big. They give both the kids and parents a false sense of security. Very nice. They have used water games and swimming to beat the heat. Whereas we’re buying drinking water for our use in our country. Horrible. The first kid is too big for that floaty it’s meant for a baby. These are so suppose to be funny but has a mom I was more concerned about the kids. Don’t get me wrong there’s a bunch of funny ones too. Why is it that the boys are the only ones with their butts in the squirting water. That’s all I’ve seen do that. What is so fascinating about that.
LGBT Dyke the halls fe le le le le Le Lesbians ugly Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: LGBT Dyke the halls fe le le le le Le Lesbians ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

LGBT Dyke the halls fe le le le le Le Lesbians ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

I’ll never forget the day I received a message from a Draunt definition like a normal aunt only drunker shirt in his daughter’s lunch box for nine years. I didn’t even know it was a thing until a year or so ago when I read a book about highly sensitive children trying to understand if that’s something that affected my daughter. On mornings when she beat her dad downstairs only to find a note-less lunchbox, she’d actually come to him looking for the note. This is so important and so inspiring. I am grateful you shared and spread the love to us!
Draunt definition like a normal aunt only drunker Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Draunt definition like a normal aunt only drunker shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Draunt definition like a normal aunt only drunker shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

The innocence, purity, and love in I’m not short I’m Stitch size shirt brought tears to my eyes every time I hear her sing. Thank you for sharing her with us. My husband is this person for me, and I try every day to be this person with him for our children.  My dad was my safe haven too. He was my sunshine. I was blessed to have my daddy for 50 years. He took a huge part of my heart with him when he took his last breath. Everyone should be as happy and as kind and as loving as my father. That is absolutely one of my most favorite songs. I get chills whenever I hear it.
I'm not short I'm Stitch size Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m not short I’m Stitch size shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck-shirt

I’m not short I’m Stitch size shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck-shirt

Somerset house is Best friends Eeyore and Grinch shirt. I bucked up, acted like a lady and controlled by Behavior. And now, I feel like I lost part of me. Something died inside of me and I miss it. So don’t stifle your feelings emotions. Don’t let someone else’s definition Define you. Don’t wish you were someone else or hate a part of you. You might find some day you are without it and you’ll know apart if you died. However, I am more likely to cry over someone/something else, rather than something in my own life. I feel like I just have to close it up in order to keep going. Sorry, probably too much to share.
Best friends Eeyore and Grinch Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: Best friends Eeyore and Grinch shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Best friends Eeyore and Grinch shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I heard a gunshot and wanted to see what was happening that’s when Charm city Ravens football shirt. When she got out of the car I saw that she had a gun with her so I knew that she wanted to hurt someone so when I tried to take the gun away from me she then shot me. He will be okay don’t worry. I can understand what he is going through but we have to stay strong for him and support him. He needs you more than ever, you can’t show any weakness or fear you have to stand strong and support him through this tough time.
Charm city Ravens football Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Charm city Ravens football shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Charm city Ravens football shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I really fancy this. I know it’s expensive, but it could be Best friends Baby Grinch and Stitch shirt? Fancy this this year instead of Adventure Valley. Thanks Amy we now put everything undercover but would love to control the weather and make it magically snow all the time us elves love snow. This was the one I was telling you about. We did it last year. We could do it just us and the boys to keep the cost down. No wasn’t sure what dates you could do. This is the one we did last year. We shud book this for Philip and Bridget! Already booked!! Went last year and it was brilliant.  Looks great x The lads can get our Christmas presents when we are out. I was for it until you said grinch in woods.
Best friends Baby Grinch and Stitch Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Best friends Baby Grinch and Stitch shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Best friends Baby Grinch and Stitch shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

What makes these so funny is that all the characters are doing and saying things as if they are Dog in a pocket shirt. Like Joey would actually say nice rack to Mon, it’s just not suitable for the broadcast of the show. Thank you for the hope and encouragement in your beautiful words! I’m going to share this with her because sometimes we feel like we’re the only ones who feel this way and that there’s something wrong with us. How did they every film every episode all the way through? These crack me up every time. Never gets old. They need to make a movie with all the bloopers! It would be the greatest thing ever!
Dog in a pocket Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Dog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Dog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

First off. Had it not been for Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco Christmas shirt, sweater. No one would have a blueprint on how to portray the Grinch character. Oh my gosh thank you for sharing this! My dearest friend and I share widowhood together and this is exactly how we feel all the time! I already know who would I be on our Christmas party. ” I must stop this Christmas from coming. But what will I wear? bringing it back because apparently we’re all the grinch to a point. They’ll never be another Grinch like Christmas Who. You killed that bro. Jim himself would’ve been proud! I would love him to come to my home town he would certainly make people laugh. There was a guy last year at the make a wish Christmas party here in nh was awesome had every one going it was amazing.
Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

This summer has been a discovery of many needs for my soul, Peanuts Snoopy to my wife I wish I could turn back the clock I’d find you sooner and love you longer I may not be your first date your first kiss for things that don’t light our spark and making me realize and remember what brings me peace. Peace seems so crucial for me now, especially since I am usually the one bringing/creating stress for myself. I don’t think I have a soul landscape yet, I will have to keep my eyes open, but I know someone who does, and it is similar to yours, just that she can rest her soul anywhere there are animals. Thank you for always penetrating my heart with your words. Encouraging me to confront, accept and feel my truths so deeply. Your words move me to tears each time I read them.
Peanuts Snoopy to my wife I wish I could turn back the clock Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Peanuts Snoopy to my wife I wish I could turn back the clock shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Peanuts Snoopy to my wife I wish I could turn back the clock shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Mummy said our only chance to do this is Baby Groot hug Kansas City Chiefs shirt! Mummy took her savings so we can start second physio twice a week. And two or three times a year we will need to go for two weeks intensive rehabilitation in Slovakia. This center provides neurorehabilitation, reflex therapy via laser-light method, magnetic stimulation or Bioptron light therapy system individually design for each baby’s needs. However, this is very expensive, it costs £4000 each time. Please support us in any way you can while there is still hope that we will run one day! All your positive thoughts, prayers or financial contribution will be greatly appreciated! This was the sunset I happened to capture from my driveway after a special weekend spent with friends.
Baby Groot hug Kansas City Chiefs Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Baby Groot hug Kansas City Chiefs shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Baby Groot hug Kansas City Chiefs shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This interaction with both people is an incredible tool to Black French Bulldog in a pocket shirt. I love love love that you give concrete examples because that’s how I learn best. Thank you so much for sharing this, for helping the woman on the bench, and for being the person you are. Thank you for taking my words and bringing them to life through your loving actions, dear Mara. What would happen if I stop trying to change the perceived weaknesses I see in myself and in my loved ones? What would happen if I choose to look a little deeper, take a new angle, or just wait and see? Perhaps if we were to look into each other’s eyes and say, I see you.
Black French Bulldog in a pocket Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Black French Bulldog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Black French Bulldog in a pocket shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Just a few steps into this picturesque mountainside setting and Mama Bear paw shirt like I was home like this place was peace to my soul. After feeding one of the goats in the pasture named Pancake and tasting the divine chèvre, my immediate connection to this place was confirmed. This goat farm was my place of peace, and I knew I’d come back again and again if only in my mind. Just spent the day with my family in the Australian bush. That’s my soul landscape. This was the sunset I happened to capture from my driveway after a special weekend spent with friends. Have to remind me to visit it more often in the winter.
Mama Bear paw Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Mama Bear paw shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Mama Bear paw shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I just wanna know where they got Hallo I bims 1 Nikolauch ugly Christmas sweater. They must be in Florida. I wish I still lived there. It’s been too long. I think we could be initiated lots of new ideas with a few of these over lunch? Sometimes other people’s emotions, struggles, memories, and grief are too much for us. Perhaps it makes us feel uncomfortable because we can’t fix it or don’t know what to say. I like my jello shots strong, I use half the water amount in chilled vodka. And as I do several times a day, I said a prayer of gratitude for this child who teaches me so much about loving others well. Was thinking of selling those oysters/pearls in the beg of the yr. What’re your thoughts? Would u share my page or buy from me?
Hallo I bims 1 Nikolauch ugly Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Hallo I bims 1 Nikolauch ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie

Hallo I bims 1 Nikolauch ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie

Let me be love. Not the shiny, perfectly worded, Geordi La Forge reading Rambo shirt that comes and goes with special occasions or when it’s convenient. Thought of you immediately when having conversations at a gathering yesterday as the topic was Loving others well. This specifically was highlighted, love like it’s my job. Told all the ladies about Only Love Today and your page. It was so fulfilling to see others sharing what we all desire. Wish you could have been there. Love you. While my daughter was having her guitar lesson yesterday afternoon, I decided to walk in a nearby neighborhood. I’d barely gotten started when a woman in an expensive car pulled up. She rolled down her window and said, can you help me?
Geordi La Forge reading Rambo Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Geordi La Forge reading Rambo shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Geordi La Forge reading Rambo shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I have just started reading your book. I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt and vulnerability. I find comfort that I am not alone in some of life’s moments! Bless you! Gosh, I wish I knew if they were available in South Africa. I know that several of them have gone international. You may just have to go to your favorite retailer and ask. I am sorry I can’t be of more help. I’ve been reading about your journey for a while now and you’ve come such a long way! You show such vulnerability yet so much strength! I started reading only love today to my kids every night. It’s our bonding time.
I'm that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m that crazy girl who loves Horror movies a lot shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

That simple act of manners Enjoy my Cock jaste the difference shirt. Both of my husband and my own internal attitudes. And when you know people by name, everything changes. I will never forget hearing a beautiful sermon when I had just moved to my new state. The pastor talked about a young man who had gotten himself into a very bad place with many poor choices. He stopped the pastor in the parking lot one afternoon and said, Will you say my name in church next Sunday? At first, the pastor didn’t understand why, but after some thought, it was quite obvious. He didn’t want to be forgotten, the minister explained.
Enjoy my Cock jaste the difference Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Enjoy my Cock jaste the difference shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Enjoy my Cock jaste the difference shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

What I know is – If someone who reminded me of She is my nurse bestie shirt be sitting on that park bench, no one is really immune; We are all one string of bad luck away from our own hard place. My job is not to make it colder and harder. Don’t try to stop her tears if she cries or try to distract her from her sadness. Just let her feel what she feels. Not to mention those who lost their lives in such a tragic way. I’ve donated to pet rescue dogs that are mobilizing to save the animals left behind. My job is not to report, judge, or exclude when someone is already down and out. The winter months in WI are frigid and bitter.
She is my nurse bestie Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: She is my nurse bestie shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

She is my nurse bestie shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Oh, the connections I failed to make with people who were far richer and wiser than me. When I am moved to tears at historical monuments, animal shelters, swim meets, and music recitals. when I am moved to tears by speeches of hope, stories of pain, well-written songs, acts of kindness, and beautiful sunsets. Thank you, Kerry. You have always seen the best in me and inspired the best in me.
Cunt mode on Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Cunt mode on shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Cunt mode on shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

This is what being a human being is all about. I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt in ways she couldn’t even imagine was possible. My hope is that you planted a seed for the woman who felt the need to report her to the police. May your heart and kindness shone a light that will help her shift her ways! I love love love that you give concrete examples because that’s how I learn best. Thank you so much for sharing this, for helping the woman on the bench, and for being the person you are. On point Rachel, as always. I always wish I had more to offer other than just my heart and ears.
I work to support my wife's Disney addiction Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I work to support my wife’s Disney addiction shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Thank you so much for Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people and I’m not afraid to use her shirt. Your stories are profoundly moving and inspiring. You are a beautiful person. Thank you for inspiring me to open my eyes and love. There were a lot of homeless people around which opened a lot of conversations with our four children. On our last night, we had a blanket, a Metro card, and some food that we were not going to eat before we left so when my youngest daughter and I went to collect dinner on our last night, we walked through the streets and subway stations looking for a homeless person to give it to.
Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues Hoodie
Buy this shirt: Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Back of I have a crazy sister she has anger issues shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

My child didn’t bother to explain I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt that was sitting on the bottom step. There really was no point. My beautiful child with humongous brown eyes that once held so much optimism looked defeated. Silent tears of a broken spirit slid down her face. My daughter knew it didn’t matter what she said, she’d still be wrong; it would still be her fault. I found my child crumpled up like a dejected rag doll on top of her bed her face puffy and red from crying. My daughter looked unsure as to what to do with this confession, this unusual offering from her mother who rarely admitted any wrongdoing. I didn’t blame her for the skeptical look she gave me.
I'm a boy I just have better hair than you Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I almost can’t breathe. I love this. Trying to keep My Patronus is a Grinch shirt, sweater. I love this. Walking downhill requires extra muscle work and control. It can also be scary as we can see how far we have to fall. Taking those baby steps today and pausing to look for the beauty in the journey. Hooray for Rosie’s new home and long-awaited loving family. Oh goodness, I love this community so much. This is such a beautiful extension to my post. You are so right and this adds so much to the concept of walking down life’s hills. Your writing and messages always seem to speak directly to my soul. I always feel peace and hope when I read anything you write. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Thank you for taking the time to tell me, dear Rhonda.
My Patronus is a Grinch Hoodie

Buy this shirt: My Patronus is a Grinch shirt, sweater hoodie and longsleeve tee

My Patronus is a Grinch shirt, sweater hoodie and longsleeve tee

I’m very very proud of both of you, I’m old Gregg Merry Crimpmas ugly Christmas sweater just wonderful kids and I love them so much, more than words can ever express I feel the same about you and Sterling also I love you all 5 so very very much, as I said more than words can possibly express I love you. Love love love so encouraging as my four enter their own newness! You are always such a blessing as I have silently learned from you for a good couple of years. You nurture me even in my hurriedness, thank you for keeping a constant only love whispered in my heart.
I'm old Gregg Merry Crimpmas ugly Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m old Gregg Merry Crimpmas ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

I’m old Gregg Merry Crimpmas ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Today will be a hard day for many, each one for Brodolf the Rednose Gainzdeer ugly Christmas sweater. Their pain may present itself in unbecoming ways. Before we respond with hostility, impatience, or indifference, let’s remember: It’s a mighty powerful thing to be standing beside when you think you are standing alone. The world is hurting in ways we will never know. But there is hope. And that hope resides in us. It’s a mighty powerful thing to be held when you’re barely holding it together. Perhaps she will be in the line behind you at a fast-food restaurant or riding alongside you in the elevator today. See her – the one with her hands clasped together looking for a glimmer of hope, just like you.
Brodolf the Rednose Gainzdeer ugly Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Brodolf the Rednose Gainzdeer ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Brodolf the Rednose Gainzdeer ugly Christmas sweater, shirt, hoodie and longsleeve tee

You are so honest and brave and everything you Stand up for reason earth is much older than 10000 years humans and dinosaurs didn’t coexist praying isn’t better than medicine shirt. When I read this piece, I thought of something a friend recently posted on FB, as it made me think a lot about people’s words and how much power I often let them have over me I am a deep feeler, like you. Not sure if this will mean much, but I’ll post the image. Thanks for all that you do. Oh, that is so powerful and insightful, Romy! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing this with me. I remember that I didn’t respond immediately. I knew this statement required a thoughtful response. To be honest, I hadn’t been expecting this statement.
Stand up for reason earth is much older than 10000 years Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Stand up for reason earth is much older than 10000 years shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Stand up for reason earth is much older than 10000 years shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I have one year left with my Santa Minnesota Vikings shits on Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions footstool shirt. I feel like I’ve put all of these unrealistic expectations on her. I need her to know she is worthy and loved. Thank you for this. The devil was in my head telling me that I’m too late. Ever notice how issues arise and problems are uncovered just as you are about to head out the door or are short on time? Although it is tempting to hash it out, right then and there, it is highly beneficial to delay the discussion to a later time when tempers have cooled, and there are time and space to problem solve together.  Yep, this has been a long, on-going struggle.
Santa Minnesota Vikings on Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Santa Minnesota Vikings shits on Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Santa Minnesota Vikings shits on Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

There is an instant surge of hope when you know 2019 racing calendar Australia Bahrain China shirt—when someone is connecting her dot to your dot. We are learning. We are trying. We refuse to give up on ourselves. We refuse to die a slow death from a parched soul. If this message resonates with you for reasons that are difficult to admit or impossible to say out loud, it’s ok. What matters is that you are here, kicking shame to the curb, and connecting dots. Maybe you will even walk outside and feel the sun on your face for a moment today. I hope you do. I will be standing next to you whispering. You will beat it with courage, belief, grace, faith, and encouragement.
2019 racing calendar Australia Bahrain China Hoodie

Buy this shirt: 2019 racing calendar Australia Bahrain China shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

2019 racing calendar Australia Bahrain China shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Thank you for sharing your journey. Uganda Knuckles Jingle all oe wae Christmas shirt, sweater so many to take it one day at a time! This time is your time and if you ever need a dose of encouragement we are all here for you as you are for so many of us! You can do it! I tried giving up sodas and adding water for a long time. Ultimately what did it is having just the right cup. I have no idea why that is, but the water tastes so much better from this cup and I’m much more likely to drink it. Sounds like you have that covered. I’m rooting for you, Rachel! It’s been 10 months since I gave up diet soda. I’m to the point now where I sometimes forget that I gave it up.
Uganda Knuckles Jingle all oe wae Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Uganda Knuckles Jingle all oe wae Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Uganda Knuckles Jingle all oe wae Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

You can do it! After many years of diet soda, I’m full of holiday spirit Aka Tequila shirt that I don’t crave it anymore – that said, I drink coffee now in the morning and sometimes after lunch, but I drink way more water now. And I do feel better. Now go put yourself more water in that gorgeous glass. The thing that did it, was a neighbor telling me that the Sparta man tried to quit many times. The thing that did it, was a neighbor telling me that the Aspartame turns to formaldehyde in your brain and also causes brain tumors. That scared me straight. A friend suggested sparkling water, like Perrier. Just sparkling mineral water, sometimes with lemon or lime squeezed in it.
I'm full of holiday spirit Aka Tequila Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I’m full of holiday spirit Aka Tequila shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I’m full of holiday spirit Aka Tequila shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I discovered the If you lick it they will come shirt and it is doing wonders for both me and my tween daughters! I even bought a yet t-shirt on Etsy! It is an easy change to the way you view things but it brings huge results. You are such a light, my friend. You remember the important pieces of life and you package them so nicely so that we may see ourselves in them. You lend us your heart and your perception so that we can use them to be all we want to be and more. Grateful you and I are able to give each other what we need in the moments that count. The moments that change us. We know who to call. I love you.
If you lick it they will come Longsleeve Tee

Buy this shirt: If you lick it they will come shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

If you lick it they will come shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Oftentimes, kids make the assumption that if Crazy Grinch lady Christmas shirt, sweater or task right away, then they are not cut out for it that they are not capable of learning it. This mindset is both damaging and paralyzing. When you see your loved ones buying into this misconception, it is important to point out that the brain is capable of growing, just like a muscle in the arm. And just because they don’t have the concept down yet, doesn’t mean they won’t get it eventually if they keep exercising/stretching their brain. Her advice was to look at my intention.
Crazy Grinch lady Christmas Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Crazy Grinch lady Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee

Crazy Grinch lady Christmas shirt, sweater, hoodie and longsleeve tee


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